Mile High Locavorist

Empowering Communities to Heal Food Deserts with Eric Kornacki | Re:Vision



On the Westwood Food Coop – “I’m excited about it but my excitement doesn’t even compare to the excitement of this community when they say, ‘we’re going to own this store,’ and the pride there is palpable.” – Eric Kornacki  Since 2007, Re:Vision has worked in the Westwood neighborhood in west Denver in pursuit of their mission to “develop resident leaders, cultivate community food systems, and grow self-sufficient economies.” Why Westwood? Well, it’s a food desert, one of many in Denver and across America. Over the last eight years, Re:Vision has gone from an idea inspired by a trip to Nicaragua to portfolio of programs that, among other things, supports over 400 families in growing their own food. This is the largest concentrated community-led urban agriculture project in America. Eric Kornacki is Executive Director & Co-Founder of Re:Vision. Along with his co-founder, Joseph Teipel, and a Re:Vision team that now numbers over twenty, Eric’s made a big impact in Denver already and has more in the works. M