Mile High Locavorist

Making Your Garden Sing Next Spring with Jane Shellenberger | Colorado Gardener



"Growing on a small scale in the back yard is actually not that hard, even in Colorado. You're well rewarded - you can grow a lot even in a small space." - Jane Shellenberger  Whether you already have a garden or you're thinking about starting one, if you want to have a great garden next spring and summer, you have to put in the work before winter sets in. Jane Shellenberger is a recognized expert in the field of organic gardening in the Western United States and especially Colorado. For almost twenty years, Jane has been Editor and Publisher of Colorado Gardener, a freely distributed news magazine published five times a year, focused on everything important to gardens and gardeners. Colorado Gardener has a readership of "well over 70,000" per issue and "emphasizes waterwise and environmentally sound practices" and local suppliers. Jane is also the author of Organic Gardener’s Companion, Growing Vegetables in the West and a regularly featured speaker at gardening and educational events across the Front Range.