Mile High Locavorist

10 Tips to Empower Beginner Cooks | Chef Elizabeth Buckingham



“There is literally no one thing that you can do that’s more beneficial to your health, both physically as well as financially, than cooking at home.” – Chef Elizabeth Buckingham Engaging with local, whole foods requires a skill and that skill is cooking. For many of us, it’s a skill we haven’t mastered but for all of us, it’s a skill we can master. It takes practice, confidence and a few tips from an expert chef and teacher. Chef Elizabeth Buckingham is a Colorado native; she earned a Grande Diplôme from Le Cordon Bleu Paris. A spontaneous scuba diving trip to the Bahamas following her culinary school graduation led to a passion for the ocean and the next eight years of her career, first cooking aboard dive boats and later progressing to head chef aboard private yachts worldwide. In 2009, Elizabeth returned to Colorado and started her own private chef venture, Moveable Feast Colorado through which she offers all kinds of fun and useful services from in-home classes to edible garden setups. Elizabeth is also