Mile High Locavorist

Make the Most of Mid-Season Produce | Chef Elizabeth Buckingham



It’s August in the Mile-High City which means we’re in the middle of the harvest season in the Denver region. I’m pleased to welcome back Chef Elizabeth Buckingham of Moveable Feast Colorado to the second in a series of three episodes designed to help us get the most of the locally-grown fruit and vegetables we’ll see in the early, mid and late-harvest seasons in the Denver region. Check out the first episode in the series on early-season produce, some of which we are still seeing (leafy greens, herbs): Episode 22: Make the Most of Early Season Produce. In the mid-season, we’re seeing: The Holy Trinity: Tomatoes, peppers and summer squash Colorado’s best fruit: Melons from the Arkansas River Valley and peaches from the Palisade region Sweetcorn from the Olathe region Chef Elizabeth is going to talk us through: What we’re going to see in the mid-season What to look for when we buy How to best store it before we’re ready to use it How to prepare it Chef Elizabeth Buckingham is a Colorado native; she earne