Podcast For Profit And Authority W/ Gene Monterastelli

001: Why Podcasting Is The Best Marketing Choice I Ever Made



Because of this I have always listened to audio books and lots of talk radio. Whenever I travel for work I fill my iPod with audios books, teleclasses, and podcasts. Not only does it pass the time but I have learned a lot! In 2007 I started playing around with doing my own podcast. After experimenting with the form for 14 months I launched a podcast for my business. This is that story. I share what I was thinking when I started, what mistakes I made along the way, and why it has been an amazing choice for my business. Many of the benefits from my podcast exceeded my expectations and some of the positive outcomes were benefits I couldn't have predicted. If you haven't had the chance to download the guide If you haven't had the chance to download the guide Is Podcasting Right For You, you should do it now. (It include a complete of all the software and hardware I use for this podcast.) If you are ready to podcast but don't want to do it alone join us in the Podcast For Profit And Authority Academy.