Hare Of The Rabbit Podcast

Beveren - Parsley - Brer Pea Patch - Sack - HOTR 02



In this episode, we explore the Bevern Rabbit Breed, which includes the history of the breed, descriptions, and clubs.  We cover the story of Brer rabbit in the Pea patch.  Parsley for the rabbit, and the word Sack. History of the Brevern When I first heard of this breed, I thought of the rabbit on Winnie the Pooh or the Briar Rabbit stories.  I don't know where the association came from, but that was my first thought about the breed.   The Beveren Rabbit is one of the largest and the oldest rabbit breeds. According to the American Beveren Rabbit Club, the Beveren breed was developed from crossing “the Brabanconne, St. Nicolas Blue, and the Blue Vienna.” The breed was recognized in 1898 and the standard for the Blue Rabbit of Beveren was put into place in 1902; however, the first exhibition of the breed would not be until 1905.  Beveren Rabbits quickly made their way to France, where they became hopelessly interbred with the Vienna Blue breed. Blue Beverens were imported into Britain by Mrs. A.M. Martin and w