Hare Of The Rabbit Podcast

Halloween and Rabbits - News - Mutilate - The Bunny Man



Halloween and Rabbits With fall here in the Northern Hemisphere, and temperatures dropping and leaves falling we have Halloween fast approaching. You hear tales of ghosts, witches, vampires, monsters, and other assorted scary icons, but none can be more terrifying than bunny rabbits! Gargoyle Rabbit We cover this in a previous episode, but it is worth a revisit. This terrifying gargoyle is known as the Vampire Rabbit of Newcastle. He perches above a solicitor's office behind St. Nicholas' Cathedral in Newcastle, England. No one knows why he is there, or what makes him glare with such evil. With its crazed bulging eyes, huge fangs and claws, The Vampire Rabbit of Newcastle is a mysterious grotesque that has perched above the ornate rear door of the historic Cathedral Buildings, facing the rear of St Nicholas Cathedral for over a hundred years but no one is quite sure why the blood-sucking Lepus was created. Erected with the rest of the building in 1901, locals tell a tale of grave robbers who were running ramp