Hare Of The Rabbit Podcast

Scottish Mountain Hare - Wool Socks - Risk - Poor Mans Rabbit Herd



Scottish Mountain Hare  www.hareoftherabbit.com There is a special place high up in the Cairngorms where the mountain hares hide. Andy Howard knows it well, as only a person can who has spent up to five hours at a time lying in snow waiting for a moment such as this. It is winter in Scotland, some 2500 miles from the Arctic, and a cold like no other is sinking into his bones. He dare not move, not even one inch, or he risks startling the animal barely a few feet from him. She's fast, he's seen her run before. If she wants to, she can take off like a silver bullet, leaping into the mountain mist like a salmon into a river. He takes a shallow breath - in-two-three and out-two-three. She moves. He freezes. Her paws pad softly over the rocks, graceful as ever in her silence. She sits herself down beside him, oblivious or deliberating ignoring the loud thumping of his heart, and delicately nibbles at the heather. She's beautiful, her pearl grey coat soft as down and the tips of her ears dark, as though dipped in c