Tara On Tma Podcasts

Tara on TMA Podcast (2014-02-11)



On today's show, white peoples' worst nightmare, realized. Plus, black Portland residents work to keep whites out of their neighborhoods. Wait until you hear why. And will Michael Sam's homosexuality help or hurt him in the draft, and in his NFL career. Listeners weighed in. Plus, a concealed carry certified mom takes her gun to a local elementary school, and you won't believe what she did with it next. Plus, suicide bombers take themselves out, young adults are more into zombies than they are the Olympics, financial author Lowell Ponte explains why banks can now limit your ability to withdraw money you deposit, and why, for the first time, it is legally theirs once you deposit it. Plus, auto tech Pam Oakes talks cars -- how long should you keep yours, how can you get the longest life out of it and what should you do to maintain it. (66:19)