Live Your Life

Are We Enough?



BACK IN ACTION! Taco Tuesday today! In episode ten I talk about the every so great self doubt of are we enough? A lot times when a relationship or situation in life occurs that didn't go in our favor we right off the bat question ourselves. We questions our self worth wondering am I good enough? Am I pretty enough? Am I smart enough? Strong enough? And it starts a spiral of self doubt. You need to stop and say hey look you are enough, in that situation you were not but it was for the best because you will become more than enough for yourself and the next person that comes along. Most of all in life we need to have self for ourselves before we can love anyone else. It starts every morning with a choice for how that day will go. Look yourself in the mirror and change the am I to I am. I am strong enough, I am smart enough and I am enough for myself. Start that everyday and where it takes you.