True Crime Brewery

Into Clinton Lake: The Amanda Hamm Story



When Amanda Hamm’s three young children drowned in Clinton lake in 2003, the incident was compared to the Susan Smith case. Amanda and her live-in boyfriend, Maurice LaGrone Jr., were in the front seat of Amanda’s 1997 Cutlass when it went into the lake from the boat ramp. Amanda and Maurice escaped the shallow water, leaving the children behind.Parents who heard this tragic story reacted with sadness and anger. They all believed that they would have died before they would have left their child under water. How was is possible for two adults to save themselves and call 911 without saving even one child?Join us at the quiet end today for Into Clinton Lake, the story of single mother Amanda Hamm and the tragic deaths of her children Christopher Hamm, Austin Brown, and Kayleigh Hamm. People in Amanda’s hometown of Clinton speculated that the drownings were a planned attempt to murder the children, despite Amanda’s claims to the contrary. Both Amanda and Maurice’s histories made them unsympathetic to the pu