Catechesis With Saint John Paul Ii

Assassination attempt on 13 May 1981 - a great divine test -Catechesis with Papa Wojtyła -on Feast of St Francis of Assisi - Totus2us



St John Paul II, 14 October 1981: "All this should be kept in mind by those who come to Rome, to the "apostolic memories", those who return in the footsteps of St Peter and St Paul. I too am a pilgrim here. I am a foreigner, who through the will of the Church had to remain here and assume succession in the Roman See following after so many great Popes, Bishops of Rome. And I too feel deeply my human weakness - and thus with trust I repeat the words of the apostle: "virtus in infirmitate perficitur", "power is manifested in weakness" (2 Cor 12, 9 ). And thus with great gratitude to the Holy Spirit I think of this weakness, that He has allowed me to experience on the day of 13th May, believing and humbly trusting that it was able to serve for the strengthening of the Church and also for that of my human person. This is the dimension of the divine test, that is not easy for man to unveil. It is not easy to talk about it with human words. However there is need to talk about it. This great grace needs to be confes