This Week In America With Ric Bratton

Episode 3151: TIME MESSENGER by F. Jay Falone



Time Messenger by F. Jay FaloneThere can be only four humans other than yourself who understand the full implications of this project: President Truman, Professor Einstein, and my father, who will in time explain the situation to me. We must ensure that the mission is completed and the Tarsi survive. The Tarsi are our allies in 2007 against an intergalactic threat, which threatens the entire human race. If they do not survive, we as a race will not survive... Time travel novel that inadvertently sends the travelers back 65 Million years and they meet an ancient civilization of evolved dinosaurs and save them by warning the early inhabitants of earth of the approaching 6 mile wide asteroid that wipes out nearly all life on earth and in return the Tarsi (ancient inhabitants) watch over human development and protect them from an aggressive race that want the seemingly uninhabited earthJay Falone, electrical engineering degree from University of Lowell Massachusetts—now Umass Lowell-was inspired by early Science