Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Drop Acid with Me!



Send us a textDrop Acid is the clever title of a new book by David Perlmutter, neurologist.  This is a ground-breaking book, with new knowledge of the importance of uric acid in your life.  And believe me: even if you’ve never heard of uric acid, or more commonly only see its importance in the relationship it has to gout- after reading this science heavy book, you will realize that uric acid is of utmost importance in relation to your overall health!If  you keep track of your uric acid levels, which is a waste product of your own body, and also a breakdown of purines in various foods, such as liver, and especially beer.  Uric acid does cause the painful disease of gout, and until recently that is the only causative damaging effect it was thought to have.  If you ask your doctor your uric acid level, and do not have gout, he will ask you why you want to know.  That is the only pertinent fact he knows about uric acid.Unfortunately, uric acid predicts overall mortality hugely!  If  your uric acid level is above