San Diego Decides By Voice Of San Diego

How to Read the Polls Like a Pro



Just before we went to tape the latest episode of the San Diego Decides podcast, former Obama adviser David Axelrod had a fortuitous tweet: Polls are so numerous at this point that results vary greatly and everyone can find one they like. Yet all are covered as if they're right! — David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) September 14, 2016 During election season, various polls get blasted in people’s faces like they’re being hurled from a T-shirt gun. Making sense of them all – especially when they sometimes seem to contradict one another – is tough. In this episode, Ry Rivard and I run down some of the many things to consider when reading a poll: Who was paying for it, who was surveyed and how (did the interviewers use cell phones? Did they have Spanish-speakers available?) and what questions were actually asked. We also talk about the rise of online polling – a method that was considered kind of a joke as recently as a few years ago but is growing more sophisticated at a rapid clip. And we talked with John Nienstedt