Andy Talks

Reflections with Andy - Lift up Jesus - John 8: 21-30



Another day, more conflict with the religious leaders.  Today, they get exasperated with Jesus because they are not approaching Him with faith. They ask him, “Who are you?” Jesus tells them that when they lift Him up, they will know who he is. This is talking about the cross, yes, but it’s more than that. When we lift up Jesus through testimony and point out what Jesus is doing, people are drawn to Him. Today, do we lift Him up? Do we point others to Him? Do we lift up or tear down?  Let us lift up Jesus! Shameless plug, here’s a link to Method(ist) to the Madness, our new, hopefully entertaining podcast about church history. - us for our daily reflections with Andy. In 10 short minutes, he'll dig a little deeper into Scripture and help you better understand God's Word.If you'd like to receive this daily reflection on your phone, text @39110 to 81010 to sign up. You can read today’s passage here - can wa