Help & Hope

Postpartum Depression, Hope For A Hard Season a Conversation with Christine Chappell



Send us a textDid you know that one recent study found that 1 in 7 women may experience postpartum depression in the year after giving birth? With approximately 4 million live births occurring annually in the United States, this equates to almost 600,000 postpartum depression diagnoses. It’s important to understand that these numbers only account for live births. When including women who have miscarried or have had a stillbirth, around 900,000 women suffer from postpartum depression annually in the U.S. Not so long ago, postpartum depression was not recognized as a real medical crisis for a mother – rather, she was often told to shake it off, pull it together, with no sympathy – after all, she was a new mother – why wasn’t she happy? Fortunately, today, postpartum depression is recognized as a real illness, a real physical crisis and there is hope. Christine Chappell knows what it is to experience post-partum depression. In this conversation with Sharon Betters, she shares her wildly changing emotions and sho