Those Conspiracy Guys

The West Memphis 3



TRUE CRIME - On this episode of Those Conspiracy Guys we discuss one of the more famous miscarraiges of justice with an Arkansas trio of young men, known as The West Memphis 3, who were convicted of the murders of three boys in the city of West Memphis, served 18 years in prison, and were released after a celebrity star studded campaign for justice allowed them to be set free under a legal technicality.Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Miskelly Jnr were said to have brutally taken the lives of Stevie Branch, Chris Byers and Michael Moore in what was purported to the court to be a satanic paedophile sex ritual. These lads were put through the legal system ringer and evidence and testimony stacked up against them.With new evidence, reinterviewing of witnesses, multiple documentaries and a concerted public effort to rebalance the scales of justice, the West Memphis 3 were released from prison in 2011. But the question remains, who did kill those three little boys? Fingers are pointed at many people involve