Firm Foundation With Bryan Hudson

The Effect of Liars & The Triumph of Truth | Opinion by Bryan Hudson (Article Read by a Digital Voice)



Click Here to Read the Article Full Article Below: “The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.”(Proverbs 12:22, NIV)  This election cycle has highlighted something we see and hear so often that many have stopped being outraged about it. That “something” is lying. In the world of politics and the larger society, the response to egregious acts by one or by the few is often, “Well, everyone does it.“ When I was a child—and perhaps you had the same experience— trying to downplay some lie or bad deed by attempting to deflect and bring others in the wrong. “Johnny did it too!” was met with a swift and strong rebuke from my mother, “I am talking to YOU!” This is Called “Moral Equivalence” Moral equivalence is the concept or rhetorical device that suggests two actions or behaviors, which may differ in degree or context, are equally morally wrong or right. It is often used in debates or discussions to compare actions by arguing that one is no worse or better than the other, even if