Microbe Magazine Podcast

Heteroresistance: Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Clinical Implications



Heteroresistance is a phenomenon that has been well characterized for many years. However, we are only now starting to understand its mechanistic basis. Indeed, the manner how bacteria respond to antibiotics is complex and phenomena such as persistance, tolerance may be overlapping with heteroresistance. Furthermore, heteroresistance seems to be common in real clinical scenarios and understanding its basis is likely to open new avenues on how we deploy antibacterials in clinical practice., Today, we have experts in the field to discuss this important topic. Watch this episode at https://youtu.be/qcIcyn1bIHU. Topics discussed: The differences between heteroresistance, persistence and tolerance The mechanistic basis both in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria The clinical implication and diagnosis of heteroresistance Guests: David Weiss, Ph.D. Professor of Medicine and Director Center for Antimicrobial Resistance, Emory University School Of Medicine, Atlanta. GA. William Miller, MD. Assistant Professor