
Same-Sex Marriage and the Church of England; Meat-Free Fridays; Bellringing for the King



It's an issue which has divided the Church of England for decades, and now the Bishop of Oxford, the Right Reverend Dr. Steven Croft has become the most senior cleric in the Church to speak out in favour of same-sex marriage. But will the growing support for the bishop's stance make any difference to the future direction of the church? Ed Stourton explores the issue with Dr Andrew Goddard, he was on the Steering Group for the church's Living and Loving in Faith Project and is a member of the Church of England Evangelical Council, and Ben Bradshaw, a former Labour cabinet minister and practicing Anglican who sits on parliament's Ecclesiastical Committee.Could the Catholic tradition of abstaining from meat on Friday have an impact in tackling climate change? A new study suggests it could potentially reduce carbon emissions. Edward assesses the details with Professor Shaun Lacrom, from the Department of Land Economy at the University of Cambridge, and Bishop John Arnold, the environmental lead for the Catholic B