In The Market With Janet Parshall

Hour 1: Watch, Listen, Learn



In the shadow of the pandemic more people than ever have shared their struggles with anxiety. On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we heard from a man who shared his own struggle with these issues to teach us what it looks like practically to lean hard on God to help and guide you through these daily struggles. It is hard for believers to understand how those who profess faith could chose to take their own lives. We examined the issues of suicide with a respected therapist who explained how to minister to those who are struggling with suicidal thoughts and whether or not suicide is an unpardonable sin in God’s eyes. We turned our eyes toward the Middle East as we got an update on how God is making hearts fertile for the hope of the Gospel in this worn torn and ravaged nation. We also heard how assisted suicide is being repackaged to make it more palatable and acceptable as a legitimate medical treatment. We live in a time that despite the efforts of the Women’s Lib and ERA movements, the