In The Market With Janet Parshall

Hour 2: Think, Pray, Act



On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we addressed the issue of suffering and what it really looks like to choose to trust God in the darkest of times. Our guest shared his personal story of struggle and the important lessons he learned about being fully transparent with God and why despite the momentary pain, suffering is an essential part of every believer’s journey of faith. The manipulative ways of a narcissist can leave long-lasting, damaging impacts on the lives of those closest to them. But thanks to the life and biblical wisdom of a therapist and friend of this program we were once again able to give you the opportunity to get your questions answered regarding this dangerous personality type and how to understand and find true peace and healing from the damage of this type of person is able to inflict on family and friends alike. Immigration is not only a hot button issue in our country, it is causing wide scale protests in Europe as well. We got a better understanding of the causes and