Spaces Podcast

05: Greed Is Good



This episode of Going Green (a SPACES podcast story) explores the historical roots, policies, and corporate actions that lead to the energy crisis of the 1970s and President Jimmy Carter's energy policies that aimed to combat the crisis. We examine the evolution of environmental policy in the United States during the Reagan era. The impact of Reaganomics, the role of the Heritage Foundation, and the deregulation and budget cuts that affected environmental programs are also discussed. The episode also highlights significant environmental disasters and the growing awareness of climate change during this period. Subscribe to SPACES PodcastEpisode Extras - Photos, videos, and links to additional content I found during my research. Episode Credits:Production by Gābl MediaWritten by Dimitrius LynchExecutive Produced by Dimitrius LynchAudio Engineering and Sound Design by Jeff AlvarezArchival Audio courtesy of: C-SPAN, ThamesTv, CBS News, PBS NewsHour, Miller Center, Movieclips, Free To Choose Network, Larry Bergan