Karen Swain Atp Radio

Your Soul Plan Heather Mays On ATP Media With KAren Swain



See more here: https://wp.me/p58EtD-7q1 Heather Mays was always aware of her team of Guides, even from her earliest memories as a child. She had a profound shared death experience at the age of 6, when her 9-year old sister passed away. Since that moment, Heather has been able to witness the crossing of the veil for Souls - whether they are coming into a physical incarnation or leaving one. She was also aware of the consciousness of animals and plants, hearing their voices just as clearly as she did the people around her. As she progressed through later childhood and early adulthood, she realised that these experiences weren't necessarily things everyone could (or, frankly, wanted to!) access.. Host: KAren Swain https://karenswain.com More shows here: https://karenswain.com/listen/ Appreciate KAren's work Awakening Consciousness? THANK YOU for your Support for the content. Share your appreciation on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain Visit KAren's website here https://karenswain.com/ See our plat