This Week In America With Ric Bratton

Episode 3065: MISSING PARTS by Diana B. Roberts



MISSING PARTS by Diana B. RobertsIn Missing Parts, a powerful and thought-provoking novel, the unbreakable bond of friendship is tested when Lacey Pierce encounters her childhood best friend, Mimi Faraday, in a Boston homeless shelter. The story delves into the complex factors that contribute to resilience in the face of mental illness and life's challenges, exploring why some individuals thrive while others struggle.Lacey and Mimi's story begins in a charming New England town during the transformative 1960s and 70s, where they attend a prestigious prep school. After Mimi's wedding to Chapin, the couple embarks on a life of community service in Newfoundland, while Lacey joins the Peace Corps in Africa, all young, idealistic, and full of promise.Fast forward to the summer of 1995, when Lacey's world is shaken by the discovery of Mimi among the homeless at a soup kitchen in a Boston cathedral. After a quarter-century in Newfoundland, Mimi has returned to Boston, destitute and living in a halfway house for abuse