Unleash Your Inner Creative With Lauren Lograsso

✨⏳Build Your Creative Legacy: Unlock TRUE Generational Wealth (Unleash Minisode)



Have you ever thought about your creative work through the lens of not only how you want to express yourself, but also, what you want to leave to the world? What is the impression you want to leave about who you are and what you care about? What do you want to leave to your family, to your friends and to the whole entire world? Well, today we're going to chat about why creativity isn't just about personal expression, but also, about your unique creative legacy. From This Episode You'll Learn: -What Creative Legacy is-Why creative legacy matters -How to make it a primary focus of your creative work and journey -And a surefire antidote to self-doubt! -Remember to subscribe/follow the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your pods. Please leave us a rating and review- it helps SO much in getting the show out there. And tell a friend about the show- podcasts are very personal and tend to be spread person to person. If this show helped you or made you smile, share the love :) Follow the show @unleas