The Dm's Deep Dive With Mike Shea

The Level Up Gateway 5e Character Builder – Lazy RPG Talk Show



D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of Contents 00:00 Show Start 01:21 D&D & RPG News: ENnie Voting Goes Live! 02:27 Product Spotlight: Dyson Maps Bundle of Holding 05:09 D&D & RPG News: Level Up Gateway Online Character Builder 22:52 Sly Flourish News: City of Arches Kickstarter Coming August 6th 35:00 Commentary: Top Ten Lazy 5e Tricks 54:46 Patreon Question: What Would I do If I Was In Charge of D&D? 58:19 Patreon Question: Magic Numbers to Keep In Your Head Links City of Arches Kickstarter Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter Support Sly Flourish on Patreon Buy Sly Flourish Books: ENnies Voting Dyson Maps Bundle of Holding Level Up Gateway Preview