Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - July 10, 2024 - Looking Holy



(1:52) Bible Study: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12 --Just because someone looks holy, that that doesn’t mean they’re holy.  To be holy is to belong to the Lord.   Mt 10:1-7 --Some of the disciples don’t get along, but Jesus brings them together. (25:04) Break 1 (25:45) Letters: About using a dead body for medical purposes, Apostolic Succession, about a Eucharistic prayer said to Fatima children (35:18) Break 2 (35:58) Word of the Day: Aven (37:37) Phones: Victoria-Question about euthanasia for animals. Is it moral and ethical when our pets are suffering and in pain? Rose-How much power does the devil and demons have over good practicing Catholics? Fred- Are you familiar with the inclusive bible?