Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

247: Staying Sane in an Insane World



The word “sane” at its root means “free from mental disturbance.” So how can we free ourselves from mental disturbance in the midst of a world that is swirling with it? While we cannot stop the insanity we see happening in our world and the people within it, there are things we can do to stay sane, sustained, centered and focused on what matters.  In this episode, Christine and Jennifer share four practices for Staying Sane in an Insane World. These are practices to put into place proactively, in how we design our lives, the way we work, think, and operate. They are simple yet mighty structures that will hold us and keep us centered no matter what is happening around us. Here they are: Create Conversate & Council Center & Connect to Your Core Clear Your Field Our practices give us the space to have our human emotions and release them out of our system so that we can respond from an elevated, higher-frequency, more humane consciousness that opens up people and possibility vs. creating more polarity