Cryptotech Solutions

17-4-14 Sex Worker Privacy: Encryption & Bitcoin w/ Maggie McNeill



Hey Gang,   Sorry I’ve been away for so long, but spent the summer moving half-way across the country…literally.  If you’re in the Washington, DC area and you’re interested privacy or cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin, Dash, or Monero), then contact me at or on Twitter @CrypTecSolution because I’d love to hangout with like-minded people. If you don’t live in DC but you’re interested in these topics and have a question you’d like answered, please feel free to contact me then as well. Today’s guest is Maggie McNeill – author, activist, and sex-worker. I interviewed Maggie all the way back on April 14th about sex worker privacy. Unfortunately, we ran into a slew of technical difficulties. The video chat program that I typically use to record episodes wouldn’t work on Maggie’s computer; so we switched to a different video chat program, but I wasn’t really setup properly to record on that one, and…bottom line… the video was unusable. I just want to apologize to Maggie. She took the time and