Marta On The Move Podcast- Hosted By Marta Napoleone Mazzoni

#169 Day Three of Celebration Countdown- The Fear of Missing Out While Traveling



Day Three delves into FOMO that we feel and how when we push against that natural flow we don't bring our best selves to any trip or experience in life.   I share stories of inspiration that are so moving   And I also share retreat details, and a new free masterclass that is coming down the line called The Mindful Traveler on August 12th!   A pillar of healing in my work is Explorative Travel and what better way to gain excitement for my next year's Women's Retreat is to have seven days of TRAVEL STORIES   I will be sharing personal travel stories from my past that have changed me, or have stayed with me in some way AND I want to share some of yours everyday until next Monday! Schedule- Mon, Tues, Weds- 1:30 Thursday- 1:30pm Friday 1:30pm Saturday 1:30pm Sunday 1:30pm Monday 1:30pm! Share with me a story from your past travels and answer these questions. Doesn’t matter if you are a woman or a man, I wanna hear them.    ~ What is a travel experience that was memorable or impactful for you. Where did y