Dementia Matters

REVEALing APOE Results: Making Genetic Disclosures in Alzheimer’s Research



On this episode of Dementia Matters, Dr. Scott Roberts talks about disclosing genetic test results for APOE, a gene that can increase one’s likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease. While this information can be concerning, Dr. Roberts shares that it can empower individuals to take the necessary precautions to lower their risk of developing the disease. He discusses the Risk Evaluation and Education for Alzheimer’s Disease (REVEAL) study, walks us through the APOE disclosure process and shares how it is evolving with the development of new Alzheimer’s treatments. Guest: Scott Roberts, PhD, interim chair, professor of health behavior & health education, University of Michigan School of Public Health   Show Notes Read Dr. Roberts’ article, “Genetic risk assessment for adult children of people with Alzheimer's disease: the Risk Evaluation and Education for Alzheimer's Disease (REVEAL) study,” on the SageJournals website. Decide if you’re a fit forAPOE testing using Virginia Tech’s ‘Gene Test or Not?’ dec