Steele & Drex

The Full Show: Dragon Boat Festival greenlit with high E-coli levels in False Creek, William Shatner’s open net salmon farming video & The return of the Vancouver Folk Music Festival!



Why was the Dragon Boat Festival greenlit with high E-coli levels in False Creek?\ GUEST: Dr. Michael Schwandt, Medical Health Officer with Vancouver Coastal Health Game 7 of Stanley Cup Finals - Can the Edmonton Oilers take it home? GUEST: Blake Price, Co-Host of The Sekeres & Price Show, at Sekeres and price dot com Why are public service jobs in B.C being given to unqualified candidates? GUEST: Jay Chalke, Ombudsperson of British Columbia The return of the Vancouver Folk Music Festival GUEST: Erin Mullan, President of the Vancouver Folk Music Festival Was William Shatner’s video on open net salmon farming done in poor taste? GUEST: Bob Chamberlin, Chair of the First Nations Wild Salmon Alliance Prosperity index reveals B.C is surviving, but not thriving GUEST: Ken Peacock, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist for the Business Council of B.C Attack of the crows - New West condo residents facing dive bombing frenzy GUEST: Ashley Burr, New Westminster resident who lives in the building Learn more about y