Ripley Radio

Doomsday TV and A Man with Two Mouths



It’s a new year and that means there are new Doomsdays predicted that we all must prepare for. Tim Ralston is our guest on Ripley Radio Oddcast this week. He’s a Prepper, one who prepares extensively for Doomsday by stocking up on food, water, batteries, and maybe most important – knowledge. As part of the team on the new National Geographic TV show Doomsdayers 2012, he shares with us what really can happen “out there” and how to prepare for it. Throughout ages, humans have been born with extra body parts, including arms, legs, fingers, and in some cases another human being! Marc Hartzman joins us this week to tell us about very rare example of a man born with an extra mouth – Otto Tolpefer. He was a featured attraction on sideshows in the 1880s in the New York area.