Ripley Radio

Taco-Copters and The Heart Attack Grill



This week, we interview the owner, but we don’t necessarily endorse his concept, of a restaurant in Las Vegas that has a huge sign at the front door warning: “Caution, This establishment is bad for your health.” There have been several real heart attacks at The Heart Attack Grill, whose slogan reads “High Calorie, High Fun, Good Tasting Food.” Samples from the menu include Flat Line Fries and the Triple By-Pass Burger. Imagine living far from a Mexican food restaurant and you yearn for a taco. What do you do? You get online, order a taco and before long, a flying robotic drone lands on your front lawn, you go out and unload your taco and the drone takes off to conduct yet another palate saving mission. The Taco-Copter is a reality in San Francisco, and there is talk of a Lobster-Copter in New England. But wait – the Federal Aviation Administration has put a temporary kibosh on the idea. Angela gives us the latest details on this innovative food delivery system.