Ripley Radio

Why The World Didn’t End, The Elephant Man and Top Medical Maladies- Episode 127



It was a big year for the weird and strange and this week on Ripley Radio we take a look at some of the weirdest tales of 2012. Chad Lewis reveals the top roadside attractions he visited during the year and Lee Speigel unveils the top paranormal stories he covered for Huffington Post. Other Strange Stories We Captured for the January 14 Episode: Braxton Southwick of the Nat Geo TV show, The Preppers, tells us how to prepare for bad times; John McKissick, the 86 year old football coach who has won 600 games tells us how he did it; Emmy winning TV reporter Scott Fais picks the strangest stories he covered during the year in Florida; and Edward Meyer, Ripley’s archivist counts down the top five acquisitions he made on behalf of Ripley’s during the year. Rayland Baxter provides our musical egress this week with Driveway Melody.