Belief Hole

3.13 | Mysteries of Nahanni, Valley of the Headless Men



From an ancient land of untouched country, cradled by the mists of the Mackenzie Mountains, strange tales have been regularly recorded. For thousands of years, the Dene People have encountered terrifying creatures and wandering spirits, harbored in the hauntingly beautiful lands of the Nahanni Valley. The Nakani - the cave-dwelling, man-eating giants of Dene lore are said to skulk just beyond the campfire, while prospectors tell stories of prehistoric monsters said to roam amongst bubbling springs within elusive tropical corners of this frosty land. And gold-thirsty men have met hauntingly in pursuit of cursed treasure said to lie beneath the alluvial waters of the South Nahanni. On this episode of Belief Hole, grab your paddle, mount your canoe, and venture with us downriver as we explore the mysteries, murders, and monsters within the legendary land of Nahanni, Valley of the Headless Men. Also... evil-smelling hair, Bigfoot hot tubs, and Jon plays with his poison ivy goo