Belief Hole

3.15 | Haunted Mirrors, Shapeshifting Horsemen, and Whispers of Witchcraft



You’ve been given the key. The front door creaks closed to lock you in for the first time. All is well in your new home.. until odd things begin to happen. Whispers from your child’s room- secret conversations with someone who isn’t there.. The discovery of bricked-up tunnels that hide the footprints of strange, nocturnal visitors.  From shapeshifting horsemen on dusty reservation roads, to ghostly children giggling in the wood, we explore the reality hidden just beyond the veil. So latch the windows tightly. Draw the curtains and turn down the lights, as we present to you, curious listener, these true paranormal tales of the inexplicable and the unknown. ..Also.. Jeremy's Brain Rug, The Robustness of Horses, and The Magical Closet of Stonewood St.