Belief Hole

3.16 | EVP, White Noise Voices and Otherworldly Voices



PERSONAL UPDATE: Hey guys, we are sad to announce, the Belief Hole is currently one brother down. Chris has been hit with some back-related issues, and after a brief stint in the ER, he is out of commission. He's home now, and eager to get back to work, but that may take some time. We just wanted to let you amazing listeners know what's going on in case of delays with episode drops or what have you. We'll have to see how things progress with him to know how much it will affect our upcoming schedule, but we'll keep everyone posted with updates over at As always, thank you all so much for the support and understanding. Without further ado, onto the show... Since Thomas Edison recorded the first audible human words on tin foil, mankind has been documenting its every experience on the earth. But a small number of dedicated recordists have been listening... in between the sound; In the hum and hiss of the white noise. Listening for voices that may not want to be heard. Who belongs to