Belief Hole

4.17 | Nightmareland - Sleep Paralysis, Astral Goblins, and Real Dream Walking Encounters



Go Back to "Sleep"! Is our waking world just a shadow? Simply the surface on the skin of reality? What are these transient lands between wakefulness and the deep dark of sleep? When we put out the light and slip away, are we in reality glimpsing hidden frontiers that actually exist?! .. When sleep paralysis grips the body, we are plunged into the waters of a strange borderland, is this the precipice of an inter-dimensional realm where astral monstrosities are suddenly made visible? in hypnogogic states, can we perceive precognitive visions or even converse with the dead? From encounters with sentient dream-walkers who leave burning reminders of their reality to confounding cases of Sleepwalk murder, On this episode of Belief Hole, we explore the landscapes of slumber and the dream dimensions that may be just as real as this realm of the waking.