Belief Hole

4.18 | Missing 411: Portal Theory – Fairies, Bigfoot, National Parks Mysteries



In recent years, an unsettling and controversial subject has been gaining attention. A concerning number of people have inexplicably gone missing, from National Parks and elsewhere- Seemingly vanishing from the face of the earth. Over the past 10 years Former police officer and researcher, David Paulides, has identified unique characteristics in these cases that produce an unusual pattern. But what does the pattern mean? And where did these people go? While recognizing the heartbreak left in the wake of the missing, on this episode of Belief Hole, we attempt to search the furthest boundaries of our reality and open the unseen doors. While Cross correlating new scientific discoveries in quantum physics with ancient tribal and fairy lore, we recount witness reports of real portals appearing from places as wild as remote wilderness to as familiar as your own backyard. Join us as endeavor to explore, Missing 411: Portal Theory