Belief Hole

5.1 | Shadow Book of Ji Yun - Chinese Vampires, Yeren and Ghosts



Let's dig into the strange and true accounts recorded in the 18th century by Ji Yun - the imperial librarian of China’s last dynasty. From China's Zombie-like Vampires and Straddling Succubus Monsters to Ancient Trickster Spirits and the scariest TRUE Chinese Ghost Stories, let us dip you into the sweet mysterious river of the bizarre. Join us in exploring the real X-files of the Qing Dynasty! GET FULL-LENGTH EXPANSION EPISODE: GET THIS BOOK! From one of the most fascinating books we've covered thus far: The Shadow Book of Ji Yun: The Chinese Classic of Weird True Tales, Horror Stories, and Occult Knowledge by Yun Ji (Author), Yi Izzy Yu (Translator), John Yu Branscum (Translator) *Amazon affiliate link above (we may get a penny ;) RECOMMENDED PODCAST: Believing the Bizarre "Believing the Bizarre is a paranormal and conspiracy podcast that uploads new episodes every Tuesday, covering aliens, UFO