Belief Hole

5.11 | Phoenix Demons, Attic Ghost and Classroom Fairies | SLS 21



It’s a quiet night in the Arizona suburbs, a cool breeze rustles the trees as you and your friends sneak out onto your parents' roof. The party is over but you feel like you’ll remember this night forever. You will, but not for the reason you think. Suddenly, In the dark distance, a red light appears. Only you notice it at first, but as it draws near, everyone grows silent. Out of the gloom, something begins to take shape, something with horns, and a tale. It's engulfed in flame and it's running right at you! From Slithering Astral Invaders crawling across the couch to the whispering dead partying in the attic, Join us, on this episode of belief hole, as we open the door to other realities and explore strange true tales, of the inexplicable and the unknown!!