Belief Hole

5.17 | True Ouija Board Horror Stories



As we near Halloween, join us as we explore some of the more terrifying Ouija Board accounts from listeners who were brave enough to recount their chilling experiences with this all-too-familiar occult ritual.  From angry ghosts and demons to other inexplicably paranormal events.  Some experiences stay with them a lifetime and have the power to destroy families.  Our advice... Don't mess with the Ouija Board.  And if you do... Be prepared for something akin to a haunting, that was brought on by yourself.   You are opening a doorway to dimensions you cannot understand.  You have been warned!  IMAGINE... Your parents have left, you’ve got the place to yourself tonight. Your friends are coming over and one of them bringing the game. You dim the lights, they light candles. a lettered board is laid on the floor.. and beneath your fingers, the planchette begins to wake. Before long, your call out out through the dark is heard. Some… thing pulls itself from the dark corners of the room and joins your circle, and i