Belief Hole

5.18 | Real Witches, Warlocks and Devilish Deeds



These days, we see magic as illusion, and evil erased by reason. But did Real witches ever really… exist? By the late 1600s, many innocents had been sacrificed on the altar of fear and suspicion, and the fevered thirst for the hunting of witches was dying. But in quiet dark places, real and wicked witchery was at work and devilish deals were made, and on one cold morning in Edinburgh, a pious pillar of the community would make a horrifying confession that would again stoke the flames of the reality of the witch. Join us on this episode of Belief Hole as we scour the deserts of the Southwest and explore the astral battlegrounds of cryptic Italian cults, for true tales of cursed earth, spirit sending, and spellcraft.