Wallbuilders Live! With David Barton & Rick Green

Upholding America's Foundational Values on Good News Friday



What if a single moment in space could encapsulate the spirit of an entire nation? Join us on WallBuilders as we explore the life and legacy of William Anders, the Apollo 8 astronaut whose profound Christmas Eve message from lunar orbit still resonates today. We reflect on Anders's significant contributions and draw parallels between the optimism of the 1960s and the challenges we face in today's cultural climate. This episode highlights the powerful intersection of faith and culture, urging listeners to consider the enduring impact of biblical principles on America's journey.In another compelling segment, we celebrate a major victory in Tennessee, where Governor Bill Lee has taken a decisive stand to protect minors. Discover the disturbing practices exposed by Project Veritas and understand why this new law is crucial for safeguarding our youth. We'll also delve into the recent trial involving Donald Trump, scrutinizing the perceived legal inconsistencies and emphasizing the need for a re