

On today’s pod, I’m sitting down with Nicole Jaques, a home cook, lifestyle influencer, and podcast host of “The Home CEO.” Nicole is also the author of Go Green When You Clean, which features DIY non-toxic cleaning product recipes. Her Instagram is packed with home tips, from food storage hacks to DIY bug repellents. Nicole started by sharing kitchen hacks and grew her following to nearly a million in just a couple of years. She will share her journey, home hacks, and tips for creating compelling content and building an audience. Today I want to have her on to share how you can be creative ANYWHERE- especially in your home!From today’s conversation, you’ll learn:How to strengthen your self-trustCreative home tipsHow to create great content and build an audienceHow to empower yourself through self-descriptionAnd much more!Guest Bio:Nicole Jaques is a home cook, lifestyle influencer, and author of Go Green When You Clean. She shares home tips on Instagram and has built a following of nearly a million people. F