Tradcast: The Traditional Roman Catholic Podcast




TRADCAST EXPRESS - Episode 193 Topics covered: Vatican turnabout on blocked seminary dean. Francis on preaching clearly and briefly. Francis' June 11 meeting with Roman Novus Ordo priests. The real Jorge Bergoglio. Links: A.C. Wimmer, "Vatican overturns own decision on seminary dean", Catholic News Agency (May 17, 2024) A.C. Wimmer, "Views on sexual morality halt appointment of new dean at Italian seminary", Catholic News Agency (June 27, 2023) "Cardinal Parolin on Pope Francis’ pontificate: No reversals on reforms", Vatican News (Apr. 25, 2024) "Pope Francis: Priests should preach clearly and briefly", (June 12, 2024) "Papa Francesco a ruota libera: 'Frocio, Frociaggine, cultura gay in Vaticano'. La sagra del gerontocomio", Silere Non Possum (June 12, 2024) Giuseppe Nardi, "Papst Franziskus: 'In ganz Europa sieht man einen Trend nach rechts'", Katholisches (June 12, 2024) "As a Young Cleric, Francis taught his Nephew Swear Words", Novus Ordo Watch (Feb. 24, 2015) "Francis to Seminarian Dismiss