Rolled Spine Special

rolled spine three



Note: We like our language NSFW salty, and there be spoilers here…Remember when Quentin Tarantino claimed Kill Bill was his fourth film on promotional posters, even though he was part of the Four Rooms anthology (and not even the best part?) Well this is out third episode, in spite of it coming out fourth in the stream, because that Dune crap was called "reeled spine," okay?00:31 Terabyte Curry03:02 Do Androids Dream of Indefinite Sequels?06:16 Career Cosplay / YouTubers17:51 Yes / No / Hip / Hop24:09 Remaster & Service29:32 The Shame of Canada33:30 Grungefinger41:26 Into The Doors / Southern Oklahoma00:45:19 NINcompoops00:56:00 Rob Zombie / Halloween Men01:02:50 FLASH!01:05:51 Elvis N' Chains01:16:22 Underneath Disneyland01:24:52 Bronies / Porn Parody01:27:47 Odyssey Unleashed Podcast